Frequently Asked Questions

Am I Ready to Be a Homeowner?

before you become a homeowner,you shoild consider whetheryou’re financially reday and if you have the time to maintain your home .here are some things to consider.

Is Renting or Buying Better?

when buying a property,you can consider things like;financial situatuon;whether you can afford to buy a home,and how much you can afford to put towards a mortgage.

What Is the Lender's Formula?

lenders use a varienty of formulas to calculate intrest, monthly payment,and other -related factors;

What Do I Look for in Homes?

when looking for a home ,you can consider things like;

location -how to easy it is to access the property,the road conditions,and the neighborhood .you can also consider the amenities nearby,like school,hospitals,and market

Do I Need a Home Warranty?

A home warranty is meant to provide for repairs and replacements of covered appliances and home systems.

What Should I Expect at Closing?

when clarifying expectations, you can ;ask reflect

be an active listener

be prepared to be corrected

What Is Pre-approval?

pre -approval is a lender;s initial assessment of a potential borrower to determine if they are likely to be appoved for a loan .it can also refer to;

Am I Ready to Rent?

lease agreement; carefully read the terms and conditions of the lease agreement .the lease should include the monthly rent,due date ,lease terms ,and who pays utilities.

What Should I Offer?

when negotiating rent ,you can offer something in return to your landlord .here are some other tips for negotiating rent;before approaching your landlord ,know what you want and research the property;s val.ue

Can I Ask You for Advice?

yes, you can ask someone for advice by saying ‘can l ask you for advice;be specific;identify the type of advu=ice yi=ou want and ask for it. specifically

Let's Find You Together The Place You Deserve

Click and ask your property need rental and buying ,salling both options in good location more information contact with us.